Delaware Valley German Shepherd Dog Club

cute puppy


The club holds numerous special events including two breed Specialties a year, one in April and one in October. The Club sponsors an AKC all-breed Agility trial , Obedience trials, puppy matches, Temperament Testing through the year.

In Summer, at the Annual Awards Night, trophies are presented to members whose dogs have earned titles over the year. If there is an interest, show handling classes are offered to members. (On hold due to Covid)


Shows being Held Sunday April 7 in Conjunction with 2 shows with Northern NJ on Saturday April 6

BOTH SHOWS HELD IN Barto at the Orchard Hills Training Facility

AM JUDGE Sharon Newcomb - PM JUDGE Bo Vujovich 




April 6 and 7 at Barto
Al Breeds Welcome

Judges Charles Marcantonio and John Landis




Orchards Hills Training Fascility, Barto, PA

Directions from Allentown, Harrisburg, Central New Jersey: I-78 E or W to Allentown. Exit at Cedar Crest Blvd. south toward Emmaus (Lehigh Valley Hospital will be on your right). At “T” turn right (Chestnut Street / PA-29 S) continue south on PA-29 to the merge with PA-100 S. Continue to Hereford, then stay on PA-100 S four more miles to Bally. In the middle of town is Longacre Electric (orange and blue sign) turn right onto N. Church Street, go up hill approx. 1 mile. See pond on left side, turn left onto Bella Vista Lane. Continue on dirt drive until you come to the agility fields and our white fabric covered structure.

From Pa. Turnpike: Take the Northeast Extension I-476 to the Quakertown exit, bear right onto PA-663 S (heading to Pennsburg). In Pennsburg, at intersection with PA-29 there is a Wendy's and a Rite Aid Pharmacy, turn right onto PA-29 N to town of Hereford (Turkey Hill convenience store and light). Turn left onto PA-100 S to town of Bally (continue as above).

From Philadelphia: PA-422 or PA-73 to PA-100 N to town of Bally. At Longacre's Electric, turn left onto N. Church Street. Go approx. 1 mile, on left you’ll see a pond, turn left on Bella Vista Lane. Follow till you see agility fields.